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a couple years ago, i was told that i would be a miracle: on gender, science, and being a homunculus!

My name is Lambda! Species: Homunculus, Gender: Science!

Sooooo, ever been a government weapon? It’s not very fun! You’d be shocked to hear that I’m not the only homunculus-used-by-the-government-as-a-weapon in my system, though the two of us are pretty different, despite our similarities. Yes, Finis and I are both manmade, and not in the sense that “when mom and dad love each other very much…”, but in the sense that we were formed in a giant tube surrounded by Fluids. Countless copies of Finis were made. Countless copies of me were made. Thankfully, over time, with the help of my friends (quit your job, join my rap group), I managed to become more and more “human.” I gained emotions, formed an identity, separated myself from my initial disposable nature… I became “real”. But! Gender! Gender is a big thing, you know? People care about that, for some reason! And like? I do have it? I have a lot of gender, actually! The gender haver!

How was I created? Well, as I said previously, it was in The Liquid. I don’t know much about the whole thing. Yes, I like science in theory! I love seeing how the world works, and I love knowing more and more about everything ever! But! There’s a lot I don’t know! And one of those things is, uh… how do you make an artificial person that survives off of what I can only describe as Magic Candy? But, anyway! Biology! In what “Appearance” was I made? Well… Nothing! I was a Barbie. I’m blank. I have nothing! Totally gender neutral. Of course, I was designed to be a boy. I was meant to be one of the guys! But like, secretly Evil. But did I have anything that made me a “boy” outside of my word? No, not really. I was made to be a boy, so I was one! Now, I’m in a more human body. You might think to yourself, oh, he must still identify as a boy! And yes, I do! I didn’t have the “biology” that made me a boy back then, but I was called a boy. I don’t have the biology that makes me a boy now, but I’m still a boy! Technically, if I wanted to, I probably could’ve called myself “biologically agender” back then. And I am still genderless now! But… I don’t think I really should be limited! After all, I didn’t have the luxury of existing as a person and exploring myself in a gender-sense back in my life as a homunculus. I was told I was a boy, so I was a boy. I had nothing going on down there, so I was genderless. But… I know more about existing now. So, what about being a girl? Could I? Again, what are the limits? Are there any? I think I should be able to be whatever I want! I have freedom now. I’m not a tool, I’m not disposable, and I am a living, breathing human. I think I should be allowed to experience any gender a human can. I shouldn’t have to force myself into one box! I want to know the joys of all genders, and even a lack of it! It’s something I’d love to study!

Gender an experiment, and I’m the test subject! My hypothesis is that I’ll be comfortable with anything, and, so far, that’s been proven true! More trials need to be done to make sure, but our findings have been pretty solid so far.

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